

What Causes Bruxism

What Causes Bruxism

The condition where one consciously or unconsciously grinds their teeth is known as bruxism. The clenching of teeth affects about 30% of kids, especially when they are asleep. If your child has...

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Prevent Teeth Grinding

Prevent Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding also known as bruxism is a frequent problem. This can occur at any time but frequently happens when you're sleeping. You may also find yourself subconsciously clenching your jaw and...

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Bruxism Night Guards

Bruxism Night Guards

For the lucky ones, sleep is a calm and serene night ritual that leads to restful and fresh mornings. However, not everyone is lucky to have a night of quality sleep. Many of us, instead of waking...

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Why do I Clench my Teeth

Why do I Clench my Teeth

You may not know it but most people are victims of teeth clenching and grinding. The habit of teeth grinding is also referred to as bruxism which might happen from time to time. It's a habit we...

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Bruxism Symptoms

Bruxism Symptoms

While teeth grinding may be common, it can also be painful. It can cause your teeth to wear down and soreness in the jaw. This is called Bruxism and it shouldn't be ignored if it is something you do...

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What Causes Teeth Grinding

What Causes Teeth Grinding

There are a lot of people who clench and grind their teeth occasionally. Occasional teeth grinding, or medically known as bruxism, can't typically cause you any harm, but if teeth grinding continues...

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How Do You Treat Bruxism

How Do You Treat Bruxism

About 8% to 16% of adults and 14% to 20% of children suffer from bruxism. Also known as teeth grinding and teeth clenching, bruxism is a condition that makes an individual to grind or clench the...

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How to Stop Teeth Grinding

How to Stop Teeth Grinding

Grinding of the teeth or otherwise known as bruxism may have severe consequences for one's dental health. Even though clenching your teeth occasionally is perfectly natural, doing so on a daily...

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Grinding Teeth at Night

Grinding Teeth at Night

Teeth grinding or bruxism is a common condition in children but can affect people at any age. If your partner complains of a sound of loud gnashing at night, you could be grinding your teeth. And if...

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